Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year! New Life!


Happy New Year 2008 to all #umah^kite-ians haha..
gile la dah taun baru.. taun ni 24 tahun..

ape korg wat wei kat umah skang ni.. aku? mmg nk cari keje part-time. skang aku tolong ayah aku wat repot2 keje die je dulu..huhuhu..

ok wei.. papehal.. roger.. oh ye..camne nk post kat cni?

1. register Gmail
2. bg emel yg baru register tu kat aku. YM aku pon xpe.
3. aku or lubai invite korang, then bleh la menyumbang hasil karya di sini


edit: new update (lubai)

1. aku da letak chatter box tu ntuk lebih sng berkomunikasi
2. grad date updated..sape2 lom di update tu aku xtau date..sile inform
3. ade game "pac man" kt bwh tu...sesuai ntuk isi mase lapang sambil menanam anggur..huhuh =p ..hav fun!!
4. calendar da ade..sng nk plan aktiviti nnt
5. countdown tu ntuk pape event la..besday ke...ronggeng2 ke...pape je
6. livescore!!!....mari kite tgk sape yg kene!...hhaha

p/s: sape2 ade cdgn nk tmbh pape lg kt forum umah^kite amat dialu2kn...sile tinggalkan cdgn anda dlm peti cdgn yg disediakn...huhu...chatter box da ade sile2 la isi...tq

Monday, December 24, 2007

Slip Collection Gathering

weh.. mane korg ni.. masuk aa.. em aitu aku ade chat ngn zaki psl nk collect slip exam nnt. ktorg plan (gitu2 je) mcm nk ajak sume gerak skali gi UTP. then on d way blk lepak kat sungkai mandi manda. then gi KLCC anta hehe.. so amacam?

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Anthem of Our Graduating Day

the stars will cry.. the blackest tears tonight..
this is the moment that i live for..


btw.. this blog is specially built for #umah^kite. em.. banner atas tu version 1. aku tau ade lg tetinggal dlm gmba tu.. noraz, zulyusri. later aku edit. sori noraz, zul.huhuhuhuh..

i cant think of anything to start the blog yet but the date of our grad day, sorang2 punye date la kot.. em btau korgnye then nnt susun ikut turutan. aight?

adam (aku) = 7th Dec 2007
lubai = 3rd Dec 2007
shak = 28th Nov 2007
yus = 4th Dec 2007
zaki = 28th Nov 2007
alim =
kemas = 28th Nov 2007
qwah =
naa =
epul = 3rd Dec 2007
noraz =

p/s: nnt pape nk tambah, tambah je